Friday, October 21, 2005

Aaro continues to wank off over David Cameron

Well how else would you put it?. Aaro is developing a minor line in "hurray for education vouchers" I notice; will this soon become Decent policy? Cameron is a good bloke apparently because he doesn't like the jihadis (presumably Aaro has discovered that Fox, Davis and Clarke were secretly in favour of bombing London). Dismal, absolutely dismal Dave. You're better than this.

Update: Oh yeh, Friday forecasts. I'm in Devon this weekend; they might have newspapers, I don't really know much about the place though. My guesses: Aaro must surely be running dry on the Tory leadership, so I think faith schools after that Ham & High debate. Cohen, I'm not sure; he hasn't said anything about David Cameron yet so I'll go with that. Have fun.


Blogger Benjamin said...

Education vouchers? Absolutely.

Some sort of voucher scheme will soonish become Labour policy (the usual outflanking manoeuvre) and you can expect people like Decent Dave to support them to the hilt.

10/22/2005 02:13:00 AM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Oddly for Dave it's quite badly written, too.

This bit:

"You can even find him boasting of how he lobbied successfully for a traffic warden for Woodstock (that’s the town in Oxfordshire, not the drug-ridden American concert that took place long before Cameron became an MP)"

Is really strange. It's like Dave thought 'all my readers are trendy things from the 60s so they might confuse Woodstock the town in Oxfordshire with the festival, and anyway it sounds cool to pretend they might', then the Times sub-editors thought 'Oh dear, al our readers are retired colonel's wives and won't know what he's on about, so we better explain what it is'. Or something like that.

10/22/2005 10:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaro's piece reads to me like he was told to find nice things to say about David Cameron, and he's doing his best to camoflage that.

Nick is unlikely to write more than a curt para or two about the Tories, and then only to say that he still hates them. So it's Muslims and the Left, I'm afraid. How all lefties are racists. Perhaps even "not many people know this, but Nazi was a contraction of National Socialist" though I think he's saving that one.

10/22/2005 05:03:00 PM  
Blogger Matthew said...

Nick will write about the Iraqi constitution vote or ID cards. I think I'll go for an ID card one, based on a snippet in the Standard about his going to a New Labour function and them agreeing with him on civil liberties.

Incidentally i didn't realise how old Aaro is (50). I thought he was in his early 40s.

10/22/2005 05:19:00 PM  
Blogger Simon said...

Cohen: possibly 'Why Is The Left Silent on good news from Iraq?' (viz: the constitution referendum, or possibly Saddam going on trial, or both).

Either that or he might 'have a domestic' and praise the proposals for dealing with unruly schoolkids, which allows him to back the government and 'reach out to the left' (in the form of the teaching unions) at the same time.

10/22/2005 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Incidentally i didn't realise how old Aaro is (50). I thought he was in his early 40s.

No, that's his waist.


10/22/2005 08:57:00 PM  
Blogger The Rioja Kid said...

well it looks like Dave is the winner for Sunday, albeit that "Muslim Nazis and the Left" is usually a short-odds favourite.

By the way, I think the proposal that Nick Cohen is basically a decent human being who is not slowly mutating into Melanie Philips is much harder to sustain after that column; it is pure and simple "they don't support democracy and freedom so why should they enjoy its benefits?" McCarthyism vintage 1953. Note that as always, the assault is on our precious womenfolk, though these days it is their "emancipation" that the Nasty Other threatens rather than their virtue.

10/24/2005 05:31:00 PM  
Blogger The Rioja Kid said...

hey I've just realised that there was another Woodstock festival in 1999, before DC became an MP but after he had stood for Parliament for the first time

10/25/2005 11:54:00 PM  

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